Curium 247 Lab


Curium 247 Lab is an environmental lab for water and wastewater testing. Essential physical and chemical water quality parameters are analyzed. In the sphere of curium 247 lab not only testing is performed but R & D is one of our priorities. Environmental, Chemical, and Microbial testing are performed under our experienced R & D experts. All testing methods are implemented after thorough research. Curium 247 lab experts try to find out more indigenous ways to tackle environmental issues.

Our Core Values:

Testing & Analysis

Note that chemical testing can be divided into a few overlapping broad fields, most of them are named below:

The types of samples that can be used can literally be anything including, Water, food, cloth, soil, plastic, gas, etc.

Quality of Water

Quality Management System

Quality System Program includes instructions for preparation and review of written procedures, training, monitoring or all activities concerned with the control of operations and materials, conducting of examinations and tests, calibration services, calibration of measurement and test equipment, periodic audit of the overall Quality System Program, corrective action, retention of essential records, the protection of customer confidential information and proprietary rights (*CURIUM247 RIGHTS).

Punjab Environmental Standard for Drinking Water 2016

All water intended for drinking (e.Coli or Thermotolerant Coliform bacteria)Must not be detectable in any 100 ml sampleMust not be detectable in any 100 ml sampleMost Asian countries also follow WHO standards
Treated water entering the distribution system (E.Coli or thermo tolerant coliform and total coliform bacteria)Must not be detectable in any 100 ml sampleMust not be detectable in any 100 ml sampleMost Asian countries also follow WHO standards
Treated water in the distribution system (E.coli or thermo tolerant coliform and total coliform bacteria)Must not be detectable in any 100 ml sample. In case of large supplies, where sufficient samples are examined, must not be present in 95% of the samples taken throughout any 12-month period.Must not be detectable in any 100 ml sample. In case of large supplies, where sufficient samples are examined, must not be present in 95% of the samples taken throughout any 12-month period.Most Asian countries also follow WHO standards
Colour≤15 TCU≤15 TCU 
TasteNon objectionable/AcceptableNon objectionable/Acceptable 
OdourNon objectionable/AcceptableNon objectionable/Acceptable 
Turbidity‹ 5 NTU‹ 5 NTU 
Total hardness as CaCO3< 500 mg/l 
TDS‹ 1000‹ 1000 
pH6.5 – 8.56.5 – 8.5 
Essential Inorganicmg/Litremg/Litre 
Aluminium (Al) mg/1<0.20.2 
Antimony (Sb)<0.005 (P)0.02 
Arsenic (As)< 0.05 (P)0.01Standard for Pakistan similar to most Asian developing countries
Barium (Ba)0.70.7 
Boron (B)0.30.3 
Cadmium (Cd)0.010.003Standard for Pakistan similar to most Asian developing countries
Chloride (Cl)<250250 
Chromium (Cr)<0.050.05 
Copper (Cu)22 
Toxic Inorganicmg/Litremg/Litre 
Cyanide (CN)<0.050.07Standard for Pakistan similar to Asian developing countries
Fluoride (F)*<1.51.5 
Lead (Pb)<0.050.01Standard for Pakistan similar to most Asian developing countries
Manganese (Mn)< 0.50.5 
Mercury (Hg)<0.0010.001 
Nickel (Ni)<0.020.02 
Nitrate (NO3)*<5050 
Nitrite (NO2)*<3 (P)3 
Selenium (Se)0.01(P)0.01 
Residual chlorine0.2-0.5 at consumer end0.5-1.5 at source 
Zinc (Zn)5.03Standard for Pakistan similar to most Asian developing countries
* indicates priority health-related inorganic constituents which need regular monitoring.
Pesticides mg/L PSQCA No. 4639-2004, Page No. 4 Table No. 3 Serial No. 20- 58 may be consulted. *** 
Phenolic compounds(as Phenols) mg/L 0.002 
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (as PAH) g/L 0.01 ( By GC/MS method) 
Alpha Emitters bq/L or pCi0.10.1 
Beta emitters11

*** PSQCA: Pakistan Standards Quality Control Authority

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